I am happy to announce that I am in Leavenworth this week as a featured speaker for the annual Bird Fest! Icicle Creek and the Wenatchee River valley are host to a dazzling variety of spring migrants that favor the east side of the Cascade Range. In addition to exploring a variety of habitats seeing out these colorful visitors, I am leading three Owl Prowls on the 13th, 14th, and 15 starting at 9:00 PM. Friday afternoon at 3:00 pm I am presenting a virtual program on owls and their unique adaptations with some cool video footage. Saturday afternoon at 2:00 pm I am presenting a program on the woodpeckers of Washington showcasing their unique adaptations (such as why don't they need extra strength Exedrin after bashing their heads against trees all day!). To view these online presentations click on the following link to register: https://wenatcheeriverinstitute.org/bird-fest/bird-fest-2021.html If you decide to take advantage of this great spring weather and visit Leaven
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