Owl Prowls and birding Outings for the week of January 25th through January 30, 2021
Hello Seattle Birders! The weather looks fairly wet for much of this week but I will schedule the following outings and hope for decent conditions. Please contact me at edomino.ed@gmail.com to sign up!
Wednesday, January 27 Owl Prowl 7:00 PM at Seward Park
Thursday, January 28 Owl Prowl 7:00 PM at Seward Park
The Owls have been reliable in Seward Park, especially barn owls! Also a nightly chorus of multiple coyotes has serenaded our prowl participants!
Saturday, January 30th Birding Outing at Cormorant Cove Mini-Park in West Seattle 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM.
Harlequin ducks, western grebes, and perhaps red-breasted mergansers are likely birds for us to see!
This photo shows a harlequin pair taken through my spotting scope (thank you Ryan for the pic!) at Cormorant Cove. IMHO, one of the most beautiful of duck species!! click to enlarge the photo to really appreciate their magnificence!
The day are getting longer...goodbye January!
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