Birding by Ear on St. Patrick's Day and Owl Prowl

 Many of our resident songbirds are vocalizing up a storm and migratory birds are working their way north (some are here already!).  I love to help people learn to recognize their songs and we are entering the best time of year to experience this symphony.  Please join me Wednesday, March 17 at 9:00 am (morning is the richest time to hear birdsongs) at the Union Bay Natural Area (Montlake Fill) to enjoy some "ear candy"!  Also, the owls in Seward Park have very cooperative to our owl prowl guests and I will lead a Prowl Saturday, March 20th starting at 7:30 pm.  Please join me by emailing me to register...cost is $25.00 per person please.  Happy St. Paddy's Day!


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