Back to my job at Seward Park Audubon Center, the long layoff is over!

Great news. I have been rehired as Lead Naturalist at the Seward Park Audubon Center!  With the pandemic restrictions easing as more people get vaccinated, National Audubon has decided that guided outdoor trips are safe for the public.  I will be leading a variety of outings here: birds, bats, owls, trees, geology, native plants, even stargazing!  You can follow my schedule offerings at our website:

I WILL continue to offer my personal guided outings as before, just on a more limited basis.  My days off from Audubon will be Mondays and Tuesdays, so look for bird outings on those days.  Owl Prowls and upcoming Bat Treks may be offered on any evening of the week or weekend.  This first week will be hectic for me as I get back up to speed here at Seward Park so look for private outings announced next Monday...spring migration is in full swing and we will reinforce Birding by Ear skills on outings.

Leavenworth Bird Fest was great with fantastic east-side of the Cascade Range birds and reconnecting with old friends and meeting many new ones!  Two zoom presentations I delivered on owls and on woodpeckers will be made available and I will post links to them on this blog.

Have a great week and hope to see you out in the field soon!  If you have any questions, birds or otherwise, just send me an email!




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